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Year of Investment 2019

Description of the portfolio company

AgroStar, founded in 2013, started out as a mobile e-commerce platform based in India. The company’s focus is on leveraging digital technology, data analytics, and e-commerce to enhance the productivity and profitability of smallholder farmers. AgroStar offers easy access to agricultural products and agronomic advice and has a customer base that exceeds 1 million users. Over the past years AgroStar has successfully introduced and grew its own private label offering. Beyond their impressive online presence, the company has expanded its offline channel, building a network of >7,000 Agrostar-branded stores and acquired INI Farms to export Indian fresh produce globally.

Investment rationale

AgroStar is an agritech company that is reshaping the agriculture sector by harnessing the power of technology, data, and e-commerce to benefit smallholder farmers. Its holistic approach to farming solutions and dedication to improving the lives of farmers make it a significant player in the agritech industry.