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Year of Investment 2024

Description of the portfolio company

Agurotech is a female-led, Amsterdam-based startup developing and selling a smart irrigation solution featuring advanced soil sensing hardware and software. The company provides technology to optimize irrigation processes, helping farmers apply the right amount of water for their specific crop and soil types through an easy-to-install sensor and a user-friendly software. They provide 7 days irrigation recommendations which enable farmers understand where, when, and how much to irrigate. The recommendations are optimized for farmers’ equipment and practices, unlocking significant water savings and increased productivity.

Investment rationale

Extreme weather patterns and lack of water are disrupting farmers’ traditional irrigation practices, thus necessitating the adoption of data driven approaches. Previous solutions have gained limited traction due to unreliable, costly or hard to install technologies, resulting in inaccurate and difficult-to-interpret data. However, these challenges have paved the way for robust new solutions such as Agurotech, as generating accurate data and ensuring good connectivity leads to a greater buy-in from farmers. Agurotech’s sensor technology and AI-powered predictions of 7 days ahead help farmers use water more efficiently, while reducing water waste.